We understand that the government buyer is often serving an internal customer–and we have designed our government services division accordingly. Design and specification, an internal review for accuracy, field confirmation, project management considerations such as site access and staging areas, pre- and post-installation review are all part and parcel of the Workspace Solutions government program.
With over twenty years of serving our government customers we have encountered every challenge imaginable. We have insight and knowledge that can only be garnered through long-standing experience. Consequently, we understand that it is our approach to customer support–quick responses, accuracy in the details, creative solutions–that sets us apart.
Whether you are tasked with supporting an internal customer or are the end-user, the Workspace Solutions government business model is designed to bring you rapid and accurate creative solutions. Our approach is simple and turn-key. We are your resource. We are furniture experts.
Workspace Solutions represents many furniture lines available to the government buyer through GSA contract. We have listed below a few of our most popular GSA-available lines for your consideration.